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Imran Parthib

About Me

Typing SVG

Hi, I'm Imran Parthib! I'm passionate about exploring new ideas and concepts, and I love to learn new things. I find programming to be especially enjoyable and have experience in various languages like C , C++,Java and Python. I have also learned about data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming concepts. In my free time, I enjoy challenging myself with problem-solving exercises on platforms like URI, HackerRank, and Codeforces. I'm currently exploring web development and am working with Python and Linux operating systems. When I'm not programming, I enjoy reading books of various genres, both non-fiction and fiction. Writing is also a hobby of mine, and I enjoy using it to spark my creativity and innovation.

šŸ”Technologies Overview :


Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo
Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo
Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo
Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo
Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo
Project 1
Project 1

A web application that allows users to track their daily tasks. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB.

View on GitHub | Live Demo


Frontend Development

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, JavaScript, React

Backend Development


Problem Solving

C++, Java, JavaScript, Python


Figma, Canva

Other tools

Git, Github, Vscode, Terminal

Self Learning


Writing, Medium, Hashnode




Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Daffodil International University

CGPA: 3.33/4.00

Higher Secondary School in Science

Baf Shaheen College, Jessore

GPA: 3.83/5.00

Secondary School in Science

Harinarayanpur ML High School

GPA: 5.00/5.00

Junior School

Harinarayanpur ML High School

CGPA: 4.63/5.00


Python Programming


Duration: 6 weeks

JavaScript Fundamentals


Duration: 4 weeks

HTML and CSS Basics


Duration: 2 weeks

React.js Crash Course


Duration: 1 hour

Node.js Essentials

LinkedIn Learning

Duration: 3 weeks

Database Design


Duration: 5 weeks

Blog Posts

Latest Youtube Videos


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